Getting everything situated for the summer.


The Undersea Divers' Logo.

SCHOOL IS OUT! I just got back home from my Marine Ecology course in Costa Rica, which means that it is OFFICIALLY summer. Annd, that means it is time to start my adventures as the Boston Sea Rovers’ 2011 Frank Scalli Intern! Today I drove over to Undersea Divers in Beverly, MA to meet with Dave and Pat Morton. The owner of Undersea Divers is Bobby Boyle, the man who donated my wetsuit, BCD, octopus, dive bag, and dive computer. We were all re-convening to make sure that everything fit, and re-order things if they didn’t.

Me in my DUI drysuit with Bobby Boyle at Undersea divers.

When Dave and Pat got there, they brought in a surprise with them. My custom DUI drysuit had arrived! We opened everything up, and then I got to try it all on. Now, I’d only ever put a drysuit on once before in my entire life, so everyone ended up helping me to get it on. I was so excited! It fit perfectly! And, it was VERY warm, I couldn’t wait to try it out! Bobby found out that I didn’t have any weights of my own, so without even a second thought, he had Sean, one of his employees, run in the back and get my 30 pounds in soft weight. I couldn’t believe it! Everyone is just so incredibly generous to this internship. I’m looking forward to making them all proud with what I accomplish this summer, and later in my life due to their help.

After we got everything packed back up, I said my thank-you’s and good-byes and headed back home, excited that my summer has finally started!