Two weeks after the Sea Rovers expo I was heading to the Beneath the Sea expo in New Jersey. Beneath the sea is pretty much like the Sea Rovers expo… except about 5 times bigger of an expo! This time I stayed with Ricky Simon (previous intern whose blog you can find here) and his father of Manta Industries/High Seas Millwork. The car ride was interesting on the way down, we talked about all sorts of diving and their crazy tech diving experience. Once we arrived in New Jersey we checked in to the hotel and then went to Cheeseburger Paradise and met some more divers and had some great food. Friday Saturday and Sunday consisted of helping to set up, work, or breakdown Manta’s booth and then just wandering around talking to other exhibitors and watching some presentations. Generally I spent my days observing how the dive industry really works and just gainig more knowledge on many aspects of dive gear and the industry itself.

Nights were exciting and consisted of either parties or just hanging out at cheeseburger paradise. I think I learned almost as much about the dive industry hanging out at night than during the day though, the Beneath the Sea Party and Cheeseburger Paradise were great! Finally the drive back on Sunday was much more subdued. Rick snored the whole way home and I just talked to Rick’s father about all sorts of things, Overall a great trip! (although my photos were slightly lacking)