This week I got the chance to spend a couple days helping Sea Rovers President Nick Fazah out in his dive shop, East Coast Divers. East Coast is located in Brookline, MA and helps support much of the diving community coming out of the greater Boston area. My day was filled helping Nick out around the shop and learning exactly what goes into running a successful dive operation.
When I first arrived, Nick had just received a shipment of 30 new backplate BCs to use as rentals. The BCs were wrapped up for travel and needed to be set up for diving, so I helped Nick set those up before the shop opened. After the shop opened, I helped East Coast employee Jenna clean up the outdoor rental space and unloaded the company van which was full of tanks and gear from the previous day. In the afternoon Nick taught me how to fill tanks, which was incredibly interesting, but also a little bit scary. I had never fully understood the intricacies of tank filling, but when the afternoon was over I felt well versed in ensuring the tanks were in good condition, and that they were filled in a safe manner.