I leisurely headed into Harvard to meet with George Buckley and spend the day there. George Buckley is a Sea Rover and Harvard professor focusing in environmentalism and oceanography. He also helped begin online (distane) learning programs, being one of the pioneers for Harvards first online learning program.

Our day started with lunch in memorial hall with one of Mr. Buckley masters students. While in the hall where I received a bit of history lesson on the beautiful stained glass windows and a few of the historical figures featured in busts and pictures on the walls. One of those figures was Caleb, the first native American to graduate Harvard (he died before receiving his diploma, but still was still able to graduate on a sort of technicality). After lunch we visited a display of mathematical technologies and how they have progressed through time. Starting from the finely crafted navigation instruments used in the 15th and 16th centuries, extending into the 20th century. This was a truly fascinating collection rich with history and to me, it was intriguing because it showed some social changes in the way we interact, as the fine tradesman who constructed such fine instruments by hand are rapidly being replaced. Following that exhibit we proceeded to the museum of natural history and comparative zoology. Here I was able to view exotic minerals, beautiful sea shells, the famed glass flowers collection, and preserved animals and fossils of all sizes. Following this we had a quick dinner followed by a lecture given by Barton Seaver on mostly on sustainable fisheries and their environmental concerns and impacts. Following that Mr. Buckley gave a lecture for his class on basic environmentalism. I was pleased overall that both lectures related fairly well to what I had learned from my high school environmental class. Overall a very busy and fulfilling day full of history, although I regret I may not remember quite every detail Mr. Buckley told me about Harvard.