The coast of North Carolina is a ship graveyard, and the sea is filled with beautiful shipwrecks and warm, semi-tropical water. East Coast Divers sponsered me to go, and it was the most amazing diving I have ever done.
We drove down to North Carolina and then dove for the next three days. Prior to the trip, I did my wreck certification with Alex Dulavitz, one of the owners of East Coast Divers. Alex is a wonderful teacher, and has a lot of experience with technical diving.
I spent my first two days of diving in North Carolina doing the checkout dives for the wreck class, and the third day I got to practice the skills I learnt. I have never dove in such clear water, and I was awed by the life. I love the schools of fish, and I got to see so much sea life that I have never seen before.

We dove five wrecks. Each was unique and interesting. The Sparr was a beautiful. It was an artificial wreck sunk in July of 2004 as part of North Carolina’s artificial reef project. It was a deep wreck, and it was a hang out for sand tiger sharks.
I dove the U-boat on the third day, and it was everything a dive should be. It was deep and clear and warm. It was one of the best dives of my life.

It was my first time diving out of the North Shore, and an experience I will never forget.
For more photos from the expedition, check out some of Christian Ponce’s pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisponce/with/14086788017