Bonaire Day 7: The Wreck of the Hilma Hooker

Heading to the wreck today! Wow. I am so excited. Most of the people on my boat had been there but this was a big deal for me. I have dove one wreck before, but it was wicked small compared to this. This is the wreck of the Hilma Hooker, it is around 240ft long and sitting in about 70-90ft of water. The Hilma Hooker was carrying forbidden cargo and was seized in 1984. She sank a few months later between two reefs on a sandy channel, a little suspicious. Descending down to the wreck, I realized just how big the ship really is. I was in awe. We made our way around the stern and explored the hull a bit. I then made my way to the top of the wreck, and it was cool to see everyones bubbles from inside the wreck sneaking out of little holes. I really hope to dive more wrecks this summer and learn how to photograph them better. 

We went to another reef site after, and basically everyone saw a sea turtle, but I missed it. Whoops! A bit sad about that, but all good. I returned the wide lens I had been using to the Backscatter demo room, and signed up to use the 60mm macro lens tomorrow. Since I was in the water so late last night, I took a nap to gain energy back for class  and to review and edit photos later. Erin QUigley gave a class about repositioning strobes in Lightroom, and Todd Winner explained camera optics. After dinner I helped get some finishing shots for Jim and Karins video. At the critique, Jim showed some clips we had shot the night before and I think everyone liked it a lot! Finished up the night early and went through some more photos and checked some things off my to do list. Looking forward to the next two days of diving!