Anticosti Island Day 6: Bad Weather Doesn’t Stop Us

The weather is pretty bad today, with strong winds in the afternoon. We decided we would still dive, but just off the pier instead of going out on the boat. Michel said he would help me practice my turns using just my fins, along with the modified frog kick, and attempting to move backwards.

We suited up and walked down the trailer ramp and got our fins on. The wind was picking up making the waves choppy. We found a spot with 5 ft visibility which was good for this area. There were a ton of lobsters on the bottom, I had never seen that many in one spot. We started with turns, using just one fin to rotate. Michel helped position my ankle and told me to lock it in that position and this helped me learn the skill so much quicker. I got the modified frog kick, but the helicopter turn and backing up was much harder. Super glad we got in the water and did these skills as they also helped make sure I was flat in the water and had good trim. 

For the rest of the afternoon, I reviewed photos with Michel and discussed what was good, and what could be changed. Then, Julie and Michel talked with me about my presentation and how to best present the internship. I thought of a lot of ideas and ways I could structure it, and I plan to start working on it at home when I have my laptop.