Anticosti Island Day 4: Exploring the Island

Instead of going out on the water, we will be exploring a bunch of places on land. We left around 9am and drove about 2 hours to our first stop. This was the Baie-De-La-Tour. Michel and Julie have a picture of this on their ecotour website, and I was wicked excited to see it in person. It is a massive cliff face with tons of fossils that have been exposed over the years. I thought the one two days ago was big, but this one towers over it. While walking the beach, I took a bunch of photos and even found three deer legs! 

We then drove to the Vauréal Waterfall and had lunch. I turned down my shutter speed while taking pictures of the waterfall to try to get the water more soft looking. We also went to Observation Canyon and took some more photos. It was so sunny and beautiful and I wish I lived here. 

Next was Patate Cave! I was super excited for this. We hiked down to the cave and the entrance was so big and dramatic. We got out our flashlights and cameras and went in. The cave goes about 2,000 feet deep, and gets harder to get through the farther in you get. We saw so many fossils on rocks on the ground and walls. As we got deeper in the cave, there was also running water on the ground. We were duck walking through it and made it almost all the way to the last chamber before we had to turn around. It was an unreal experience, and I am so grateful that Michel and Julie took me here. 

On the drive back into town we stopped at this beautiful lighthouse overlooking the cliffs. I also wish I lived here. We also stopped at a plane that had crashed on the island a while back. I got inside and Michel took some photos and so did I. It was so cool!

We got back late, cleaned the truck, and had dinner. It was an epic day of adventures and I am excited to see what tomorrow brings.