My fourth day in Monterey, Jamil and accompanied Robin and Thomas to fisherman’s wharf, a fun macro dive site full of little critters. I was hoping to find a bunch of little blennies hiding in the rocks that I could photograph with my macro lens, but the swell was too great to get any good shots. I soon switched to the pilings that line the wharf which were covered in life. I managed to get in close with my snoot, and get some cool shots of a ghost shrimp, and a hermit crab.
During our dive interval, Jamil and I grabbed lunch with Chuck Davis, Monterey underwater photography and videography legend. It was great to meet him and chat about his start in underwater photography. Hopefully we can dive together in the future!
Our afternoon dive on day 4 was absolutely spectacular. Berkley dropped Jamil and I off at an underwater pinnacle, noticeable only by a small clump of kelp that would occasionally bob at the surface. We followed this small patch of kelp down to the sheer pinnacle, covered in life. The current was strong, so we traversed our way around the pinnacle, staying close to the wall to avoid being swept away. After circumnavigating the underwater feature, we came back up to the top of the pinnacle which sat in around 30 feet of water. Suddenly, jellies started appearing out of nowhere, drifting slowly through the kelp fronds. For the next 20 minutes, I swam around frantically, trying to find the best angle for some awesome jellyfish photos.